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Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:08:22 -0700
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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: Stephen Bailey <sbailey@vinton.com>
Subject: Re: NT USERS READ::32-Bit NT Mail program finally!
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
At 01:59 AM 10/14/95 -0700, you wrote:
> I am using netscape 2.0 and it finally has a mail program
>which has an addressbook and attachments and a nice
>interface..netscape 2.0 also has usenet too and www all in one
>nice 32 bit package!! What's this mean?? US NT users can now
>junk our 16-bit applications and rid ourselves of the WOW.EXE
>program or disable it...WOW.EXE is used by NT when it loads
>16-bit applications..anyway, by disabling WOW.exe we gain back
>3-4 megs of ram!!!!!
> So you might want to switch to netscape 2.0 it has a two
>month trial period i think...but it looks like a good
And while we're on the subject, lets all pound Netcom with mail so maybe